Fancy a nice new wallpaper for your iPhone? Then you may like today’s post. Whether you are a fan of grid backdrops, app-shelf designs or wallpapers that just scream personality, you’d be able to find one that’s just right for your iPhone in this list. If you don’t like restricting your apps to shelves, you can also go for smooth line-free backdrops like the ones featured near the end of the list. Unlike how it is with desktop computers, there is little space for a wallpaper to take centre stage on an iPhone due to the limited screen size.
Thus, designers have to use other ways to make wallpapers stay relevant for smartphone use. And this is what we are trying to feature in this list. Here are 40 cool and creative wallpapers you can put on your iPhone homescreen.
Icons Skins 2 – Icons Skins 2 is an iPhone app which consists of 42 best home screen backgrounds that best fit your app icons and you can clearly read all app labels with 960 x 640 retina resolutions.
Thus, designers have to use other ways to make wallpapers stay relevant for smartphone use. And this is what we are trying to feature in this list. Here are 40 cool and creative wallpapers you can put on your iPhone homescreen.
Icons Skins 2 – Icons Skins 2 is an iPhone app which consists of 42 best home screen backgrounds that best fit your app icons and you can clearly read all app labels with 960 x 640 retina resolutions.